Market Research

Multi Island KAP Survey

The Problem

The OECS Commission had determined that in order to support the implementation of the Revised Treaty of Basseterre, it needed to ensure greater awareness of the OECS Economic Union among OECS Citizens.

The Strategy

Accela designed and implemented a Baseline Study to guide the development and implementation a Public Education Programme to promote the Economic Union and the Revised Treaty of Basseterre in nine OECS member states. The study focused on several stakeholder groups including general populations, government ministries and agencies, the private sector, and the media. Methodologies employed included national KAP; in-depth interviews with media personnel; focus groups with youth; online survey with public and private sector entities. Analysis of the findings identified the level of awareness and perceptions of key elements of the OECS, including the value of the economic union as well as the best channels for communicating with the respective target audiences. A consolidated report for the OECS territories as well as individual country reports were generated based on these findings.

The Solution

Comprehensive reports on the awareness levels of OECS Citizens were developed into a user-friendly, graphic-rich report with a thorough breakdown of key demographics. The level of detailed insight into lifestyle, educational levels, behaviors and media consumption, fed into the development a Public Education Programme to promote the Economic Union and the Revised Treaty of Basseterre at all levels, engaging a broad and varied number of OECS nationals and utilizes a range of conventional and modern media.

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