Campaigns are often used to communicate key messages to the market in general or specific audiences. However, it is sometimes difficult to determine whether the campaign itself directly contributed to desired outcomes, or whether the campaign has had the intended impact. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of nation-wide public education campaign, one client commissioned market research to evaluate the campaign’s impact among the general public.
A survey was conducted with in order to evaluate the overall awareness of the campaign, usefulness of the various media used for dissemination, recall and understanding of key messages, and areas that were still in need of clarification. The survey was conducted face-to-face island-wide, with the sample designed to mirror the profile of the general population with respect to key variables such as geographical location, gender and age.
The findings from the survey showed that while the intended outcomes of the campaign had mostly been achieved, there were still areas that needed to be addressed. The survey helped to identify the segments that would require further intervention, to identify issues surrounding the messaging for these persons, and to inform the best avenues for communicating with these persons.